
About project

The Ultimate Digital CV Platform

D-CV is an innovative platform designed to revolutionize the way users create and manage their CVs. Offering a 100% free service, D-CV allows users to craft digital CVs either from scratch or by utilizing pre-designed templates. The platform provides a seamless, real-time experience where users can see their CV take shape with every input.

With D-CV, customization is key. Users can personalize their CVs by adjusting colors, blocks, and fonts to match their professional identity. The platform supports a fully responsive design, ensuring that CVs look great whether viewed on a web browser, tablet, or mobile device.

One of D-CV's standout features is the ability to generate a unique URL (d-cv.pro/username), enabling users to share their digital CV with potential employers effortlessly. This URL can be used as a digital portfolio or downloaded as a PDF version for more traditional use. Additionally, users with a D-CV profile can recommend others, creating a network of professional connections.

The D-CV platform was meticulously developed over 6 months, leveraging modern technologies. The backend is powered by Node.js and Express, while the frontend features React.js for the admin panel and Next.js for the client side, optimized for SEO. The project also utilizes PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Elasticsearch to ensure robust data management and search capabilities.

D-CV is not just a tool; it's a gateway to showcasing professional skills in the digital age.

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Mher Davidyants

Director of Davidyants polyclinics

Hello friends. I'm Director of the new clinic, Davidyants polyclinics in Armenia. I would like to express my opinion and my warm words about AimIT company with whom we started our work in collaboration like 6 months ago, and now we have a very good product: our website by your company, I would like to say that everything was done very professionally and as a product that we have very, very user-friendly for the patients and also for staff developed very good website. Thank you so much for making our daily work so good and everything is going so smoothly with the help of your product and your company. I am proud to be a partner of your company and I hope to continue our collaboration also in the future. Thank you

Mher Davidyants

Director of Davidyants polyclinics

Michael Arami

Founder of Moulk

OMG Words fail me to describe these guys AimIt is the company to work with if you want to keep up to high standards. The professional workflows they stick to result in exceptional quality. Important, they help you think with the business logic of your application and they don’t blindly follow what you are saying. Which is super important. Overall, great skills, mesmerizing communication, and too glad about the results so far." The system has produced a significant competitive advantage in the industry thanks to AimIt's well-thought opinions. They shouldered the burden of constantly updating a project management tool with a high level of detail and were committed to producing the best possible solution. AimIt supercharged our productivity by providing us with team members whose technological expertise was surpassed only by their enthusiasm. Many times they found better solutions than were given to them, and with that alongside their excellent ability to communicate, they made our product better and faster, which resulted in customers becoming happier sooner. AimIt provided us with engineering expertise, enthusiasm, and great people that were focused on creating quality features quickly.

Michael Arami

Founder of Moulk

Eduard Shahbazov

Founder of Malls

Great company to work with! I have been working with them for a few years now and have always been impressed with their communication, speed, and quality of work. From communication to cooperation. 100% quality of code in harmony with being nice people to work with. AimIT is a highly trustworthy company. The staff is super friendly, reliable, supportive, and professional. Their skills are top-notch and the requirements have been met at all stages throughout the project. Highly recommended. I hope we can keep doing business together. It’s a fantastic feeling to work with like-minded individuals who understand your vision and are dedicated to bringing it to life. They’re able to take your idea to the next level. I would definitely recommend AimIT & love working with them! Thanks a lot! You only deserve 5 stars folks! Just flawless.

Eduard Shahbazov

Founder of Malls

Ashot Davidyants

Director of Davidyants Laboratories

I'm Ashot Davidyants, the head of Davidyants laboratories. I want to express my opinion about AimIt company in a nutshell, first of all, I am very satisfied, and secondly, I am pleased over and over again, because everything was solved in a wink, at a highly professional level, the challenges and objectives that I set before the specialists were solved, and most importantly everything was extremely professional, I really enjoyed it. There are plenty of offers on the market that we have heard numerous times and so on, therefore I have no regrets about the money that I paid for the project.

Ashot Davidyants

Director of Davidyants Laboratories

Case Studies

Picture of the Blog


Next js



About project D-cv is a startup project from California.It's quite a big project, but here it is only presented to the MVP.The website provides opportunities to create and configure CV online and for free. It also provides ready templates for the CVs.After preparing the CV one can send the CV to the employer via link and the receiver or the employer can get it on their device and have a look without any issue.You can also generate cv as a pdf file.Second version of the website gives possibility to set up interviews and through the website sent invitation for interviews

Picture of the Blog


Node JS

React JS

Next JS



Elastic search

Malls is an online shop that has a super admin that fully manages all the functionality of the website . It gives the possibility to create categories and subcategories and go deeper with creation as much as each business needs. When adding or creating a product user has 3 options: 1. Regular manual creation 2. Download to the website from excel and csv files 3. Can add the products from the business CRM systems and work syncrone with it and show in the website all the changes held in the CRM systems(item quantity change, color or size changes and so on The shop has over half a million products. Super admin can create sales, promo actions, promo codes,auctions, can edit and manage some main pages, select design for the mentioned pages, even give or limit some functionalities for some pages. For delivery it is integrated with delivery companies so when getting the order it is directly transformed to the companies. Payment integrations: 1. Online payments: visa,, master, american express and so on 2. Cash on delivery 3. With bonuses, it is also possible to use some money and some bonuses for one payment. Payment system is secured here, when the buyer pays for an item the money transfers to the Malls and when the buyer gets the product and accepts it then the money is transformed to the buyer.

Picture of the Blog

Moulk E-Commerce Platform

React JS



Ant Design









Moulk Store - is an aggregator of online stores, where one can create brands, and online stores for various countries from scratch. It is possible to customize all pages of the website, choose one of the provided templates or create from scratch․ Dynamic catalogs can be prepared, the customer can find any product with the help of intelligent search and lookup. It is also possible to register employees according to the specified roles, to organize the work process. The website is fully integrated with Facebook and Google and provides a user-friendly environment for marketers to enable and manage advertising directly from the website.

Picture of the Blog


React JS

Node JS

Express JS


Elastic search


Mankan is one of the leading toy stores in Armenia, that not only sells different toys but also is a big manufacturer and produces its own toys.Mankan has promo code functionality, bonus systems and different payment systems are integrated. It gives the buyer the possibility to pay both with money and promo code combined. The website has suggested and interested item recommendation functionality which is one of the important functionality for this website. Buyers can also register and have their account in Mankan, but they can also shop without registration. Mankan has an admin panel that manages most of the website. But adding products from the admin panel, it can implement products from a business crm system.

Picture of the Blog





Api Integration

Amazon S3


Davlab.am has been created for one of the main and big branch of laboratories in Armenia and Artsakh: Davidyants laboratories. It is mostly informative and describes all the services that they provide. One of the main features that is just great for this kind of websites is the pricelist. In the pricelist page one can see all the analysis that they have also their prices and the description on how to attend for having the analysis. If some analysis require special something else, from admin panel when adding their description it can be marked. One can choose and actually buy the analysis or gift the analysis to someone, can have the list in a file or even print the list. Another good feature is the map and that in the header you see each city and by clicking on one them you go directly to that city's map and address.

Picture of the Blog


React JS



React spa

Redux Saga








Davclinic is a website for one of the biggest polyclinics in Armenia . The website was needed to be of course informative, as well it gives the opportunity to book appointments with doctors online, check all the analysis,buy or gift analysis, buy or gift projects or special services and so on. It is also connected to the crm system they have been using for many years, so the information from the crm is also available in the website . Alos the project has dark and light modes and when a user uses the website with the dark mode next time he closes and opens the website it will be dark again. Another great functionality that has been developed is that a user can select needed analysis and send it via link, so the other person gets the link that takes to the website analysis section with the selected analysis. This project is developed from scratch and has an admin panel for managing some pages.

Picture of the Blog


React JS




Express JS


Mongo BD

Elastic search


Node JS

It’s a specific ecommerce platform that covers the inner circle of management. It is for different types of businesses with workflow management, task management, salary and bonuses management and processing, warehouse automatic management: item quantity left there, types, colors and so on. It has an admin panel and has 7 different types of user sign in/up, roles and permissions, business accounts can invite their staff members, give them roles and permissions for some sections. CRM gives possibility to create custom boards, gives users possibility to give separate functionality to specific columns. Most importantly it has a drag and drop table with many draggable and droppable items and for the archive as well that includes bord, columns and list items. Has a multi search, notification system. Moulk also connects the delivery man with the operators, so delivery man workflow management is all done by the system, starting with item count, type, how much is left to be handed over and how much is already completed. Of course to make everything easier it has a report section with special filters for generating excel files with the selected filters and download option. It’s a specific ecommerce platform that covers the inner circle of management. It is for different types of businesses with workflow management, task management, salary and bonuses management and processing, warehouse automatic management: item quantity left there, types, colors and so on. It has an admin panel and has 7 different types of user sign in/up, roles and permissions, business accounts can invite their staff members, give them roles and permissions for some sections. CRM gives possibility to create custom boards, gives users possibility to give separate functionality to specific columns. Most importantly it has a drag and drop table with many draggable and droppable items and for the archive as well that includes bord, columns and list items. Has a multi search, notification system. Moulk also connects the delivery man with the operators, so delivery man workflow management is all done by the system, starting with item count, type, how much is left to be handed over and how much is already completed. Of course to make everything easier it has a report section with special filters for generating excel files with the selected filters and download option.

Picture of the Blog


React native

RX js

Moulk delivery app is an application for IOS and Android, developed with JS, and React Native. It is intended for the use of couriers, who work for Moulk store. The application is intended for couriers of the Moulk system, the courier has a separate section in the Moulk system, and when an order is received in the Moulk system, after being processed by the operator, it is transferred(forwarded) to the appropriate courier. The warehouseman then gathers and sorts the products needed for the orders, once completed, the system indicates that they are ready for delivery and waiting for the courier. The courier, observing that the orders are ready for delivery, picks up the goods from the warehouse, confirms the received orders by the system, and takes them to the address indicated. It is possible to change the status of orders (accepted, rejected, or requested to change). All information about the delivery, rejection, or refund of orders is notified through the application. When the status changes, other members get notified about the status update. Real-time delivery tracking is also available, so operators and warehousemen can track the order and know where it is. The application allows the courier to work more efficiently and systematically. Courier can classify orders at his discretion. The accumulated amount from orders is automatically calculated by the system and then reported on a daily or monthly basis.

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